Managing Director of The Debt Advisor Beverley Budsworth was asked to appear on Sky News to discuss how half of allUK families are living on the edge.
According to a survey from the Money Advice Service, 52% of those asked are living on the edge. This is a large increase from 35% from a similar survey in 2006.
The survey highlighted how the economic downturn has encouraged a “live for now” culture which is prevented families from saving for the future. One in five people surveyed said they would prefer to have £200 now then £400 in four months time. Two fifths said they would struggle to pay an unexpected bill of £300.
Beverley Budsworth explains on Sky News how the economic downturn isn’t just affecting lower-income families. People across the board are now struggling and many are relying on payday loans to get them through the short-term.
The full interview can be watched on the Sky News website here.
If you’re struggling with debts, there are many options that are available to you.
The Debt Advisor can advise on all kinds of debts solutions such as Debt Management Plans (DMP), Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA) and Bankruptcy.
Call today to discuss your options on 0800 0851 825. If you’re calling from a mobile you can reach us on 0161 868 2500.